On this page you'll find, information about workshops, activities, competitions and giveaways for schools from Nottingham's cultural, arts and heritage organisations, grouped in the following sections:
If you'd like to find out more about Nottingham's Cultural Rucksack, please visit the separate page on our website.
Find out about events & workshops for schools and also CPD for teachers from Nottingham’s arts, cultural and heritage organisations.
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Dragon Breath Theatre
Papplewick Pumping Station Museum
May - July '24 Papplewick Pumping Station Victorian Museum
£300 for 60 children
An award-winning, day-long, immersive drama experience, exploring local history, engineering, science, geography, and contemporary environmental/global water management issues. The visit to this awe-inspiring Victorian site is part of an offer including extensive online cross-curriculum resources. It can be a one-off event, or support a half-term's thematic curriculum around water, science, geography, history and literacy. Children’s understanding of history is fostered and embedded through empathising with live characters’ stories, and by getting their hands on practical, kinaesthetic activities.
EYFS, KS1, KS2. Bring literacy to life with Lakeside Art’s storytelling sessions. Children are encouraged to join in the story using their imagination, props, and costumes. Using traditional oral storytelling skills pupils can explore themes, characters of traditional tales and myths.
Primary and Secondary. First Story’s extra-curricular Young Writers’ Programme includes writing workshops which equip students with the skills and confidence to tell their own stories, with whole-school activities which encourage writing for pleasure. It also includes CPD for educators and access to a range of resources, events and competitions. First Story’s work expands young
people’s horizons and encourages aspirations, giving participants the skills to thrive in education - and in life. Download the PDF. Staff can also access dedicated creative writing CPD.
Talk to them now about programmes for 2025/6
Year 7 and 8. Secondary schools are still able to access this fun and effective catch up reading programme. Help students improve their reading, get them engaged and motivated and find their reason to read today. Skills Academy costs £150. You can register an unlimited number of students on the programme throughout your 12-month subscription. When you sign up to the programme your school also receives a year's membership of the National Literacy Trust worth £100, which gives you access to all of their resources.
Give your students the opportunity to see what it’s like behind the scenes of Nottingham Playhouse, to understand the various roles in theatre and see the teams at work. Led by a member of the Participation Team, students will hear from professionals about what they do day-to-day and how their role contributes towards the productions.
Wed 19 March 4-7pm 14-25 year olds (KS3+)
Free (Parking charges apply)
This twilight event will bring together a range of inspiring professionals from diverse backgrounds, including Jared Wilson and Sophie Gargett (Left Lion) author, Emily Brand and Poet, Georgina Wilding to share their experience of using written and spoken language creatively in their jobs and careers.
A series of talks, interspersed with practical tasks, will give young people a chance for hands-on experience of using creative writing in different ways, and a chance to see the diversity of uses creative and descriptive writing can have in the workplace.
This will be followed by a marketplace of speakers and other local organisations to ask questions and find out more. A fantastic overview of the importance and place of writing in creative careers.
KS1-KS2. Sessions at 10.30-12.00 or 1.00-2.30. £5 per child
Using original artefacts see how stone age people hunted and fed themselves, made shelters and used their surroundings to sustain them. Have a go at your own piece of cave art and try out a bow saw.
KS2-KS5. The National Justice Museum is offering blended learning workshops to schools unable to visit their site. Working with you, their expert facilitators will deliver live, interactive learning into your classroom. Workshops are held via Zoom and Teams, and can even be delivered to students at home if your school has temporarily closed.
Years 7-9. Developed in partnership with the National Justice Museum and Ben Kinsella Trust, this workshop has been proven to make a difference in changing attitudes to knife crime among the young. To find out more please contact NJM.
Creswell Crags & University of Nottingham
Ages KS2
Mondays to Wednesdays - term time
Engaging and practical KS2 discovery days delivered by the Creswell Crags Learning Team at the University of Nottingham Museum, Lakeside Arts.
Designed to help your students’ understanding of the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, a visit to the University of Nottingham Museum is the perfect way to learn about pre-historic Britain. Your students will have an opportunity to learn what we know about prehistory and how we know about the changes that took place.
In school resource, suitable for Primary & Key Stage 3 (7-14years)
Bursaries of £150 are available for teachers and facilitators to try out Fashion Fictions activities. Application deadline is 31 Jan 2025.
Fashion Fictions for Children is a free resource pack for teachers and facilitators working with children aged 7–14. Fashion Fictions brings imagination, playfulness and hands-on exploration to education for sustainability by inviting participants to imagine and enact fictional worlds in which people live differently with their clothes. Through these creative activities, children learn new skills and identify possibilities for real-world action.
The resource, written by researchers at Nottingham School of Art and Design, is informed by a pilot project involving Ignite!, Bulwell Arts Festival and six Nottingham primary schools, which was documented in a short film. Activities within the resource pack can be combined to suit different age groups, timescales and settings.
Your School or Setting
Year Round
All Ages
Liven up your classes with bespoke and specialist drumming sessions! Specialising in West African and Brazilian music and dance, BeatFeet are the UK’s No.1 provider of drumming, dance & wellbeing workshops.Bring the heart of global musical cultures to your classroom.
Djembe Drumming with Sidiki Dembélé
Tues 13 May 1.15-3.15pm at Old Basford Primary School, Percy Street, Basford, NG60GF
Free, for all primary staff
Sidiki Dembele is a fantastic facilitator and will inspire you to take steps in confidently including West African percussion in your own teaching and learning settings. This hands-on session will give you the confidence to bring the powerful rhythms and songs of West Africa into your classroom.
You’ll leave with practical tools, techniques, and newfound confidence to incorporate West African drumming into your curriculum, energising your students with the vibrant rhythms of the djembe. Explore ways to use drumming as a tool for teamwork, coordination, and musical expression, while adapting the content for different age groups and abilities. Suitable for all staff, come and be energised!
Area Bands are beginner orchestral groups open to young people in city schools that have a Whole Class Ensemble or In Harmony programme in collaboration with Nottingham Music Hub. These bands are ideal for pupils (usually Year 5) who have completed one year of instrumental learning.
Noise Academy can deliver weekly DJ lessons at your school or setting delivered by professional tutors. Students will work towards recording their own DJ mixes whilst gaining AQA accreditations.
Ages: KS1-2
In their work with schools Freedom Foundation have seen an increase in anxiety, issues with attendance, lack of resilience and aspiration, and the negative impact of social media on young people. Drop Down Days cover important PSHE outcomes including identifying emotions, how to recognise and deal with anxiety, positive and negative impact of online behaviour, how social media and technology use affects mental wellbeing and improving self-confidence. Please email or phone for more information 0115 993 2370.
Freedom Foundation
Your School or Setting
Year Round, Free
Freedom Foundation have put together some taster sessions and assemblies showcasing what they deliver within their programmes. Their talks revolve around music, positive mindsets and mental health using creativity and the arts. There is no charge for a session and Freedom Foundation is interested in working with schools delivering termly or year-round sessions. Get in touch
Ages 8+
The Creating Connections learning activities have been designed by NAE Associate Artists Shamila Chady and Elaine Winter for for use at home or school. Creating Connections is designed to help young people make positive connections with others their age where there is a feeling of disconnectedness due to cultural and other differences.
Freedom Foundation deliver their 12 week Freedom Factory sessions in school time or as an after-school club. Using street dance and hip-hop, singing and song writing their 90 minute sessions with up to 30 children build confidence, resilience and aspiration, educate about the impact of social media on mental health and help children cope with common mental health problems such as anxiety, stress, depression and self-harm.
NAE’s Associate Artists have been devising dynamic art activity ideas for young people and these are now accessible for teachers, parents and young people to download from the NAE website.
Wednesday 12 March 2025 4-5.30pm Whitemoor Academy, Bracknell Crescent, NG8 5FF
There is strong evidence for the importance of arts and creativity to children’s health and well-being. Following the launch of the Nottingham Healthy Child vison in November 2024 we invite you to join us for a practical session exploring ways to integrate creativity into classroom practice.
You’ll find out about practitioners and artists with relevant interest and experience that you can connect with to enhance your work, and have chance to share and learn from each other. This session is aimed at any member of staff and is particularly relevant for staff with mental health and well-being responsibilities.
Ages 7-11
Do you work with children aged 7–14 to provide extracurricular learning opportunities? Sign up to Children’s University (CU) for free and join us as we recognise and celebrate extracurricular! Nottingham Trent CU is coordinated at Nottingham Trent University. Our goal is for participants to feel the joy of learning beyond the classroom whilst having an enriching experience building their cultural capital. Interested?
Suitable for all Primary and Secondary Pupils
As part of FOSAC (Nottingham's annual Festival of Science and Curiosity in Feb each year) pupils develop their own science investigations about the questions that matter to them, and work with scientists who specialise in that field to help work out the answers. flexible for different ages, time-frames and the topics can be tailored to support curriculum teaching and extra-curricular activity in your school.. Take a look at this year's highlights!
We're pleased to bring you the second edition of our free creative activities pack designed for Nottingham’s children and young people. It’s filled with over 40 engaging and fun activities created by 20 of Nottingham’s arts organisations.
Votes for Schools is an award-winning platform giving your students a voice on the issues that affect them the most, as well as supporting you to consistently embed SMSC, British Values and Prevent across your school.
Meet some of Wollaton’s magnificent trees, learn to identify them and take a closer look at their leaves, flowers, bark and seeds as well as the animal life that lives on and around them. Fun practical science activities including measuring trees, comparing leaf shapes and bark patterns and finding out what woodlice like. You’ll see species of trees whose ancestors lived at the same time as dinosaurs.
Create an imaginative Voice Box to support pupil voice.. This is a fun, uniquely designed post box to encourage pupils to share thoughts, ideas and feedback, anonymously if needed. It is anticipated school leaders will respond to letters demonstrating that children’s views are taken seriously.
Make your Voice Box in any material you choose. There is also an option for schools to submit a character/front panel design that can be cut out of wood (£110) or cardboard (£85) for schools to decorate (Max size: 4ft x 4ft).
Film workshops: curriculum development KS1 & 2
Dates to be agreed. In school and/or at Broadway Cinema, Nottingham
£295 per day, including production of final film
For the last fourteen years, Silverscreen Primary Education has been working across the UK, supporting schools’ English and topic curriculums through a range of film-driven workshops. The workshops are delivered and differentiated using the current objectives in the National Curriculum and are designed on a bespoke basis to match pupils age, abilities, interests, stage of learning and potential written/topic/creative outcomes.
Many of the school projects delivered result in an afternoon of film-making, designed to celebrate and consolidate the children’s learning.
Bespoke School Sessions EYFS - Y6
Schools are welcome to contact Central library to discuss sessions based on individual topics/requests, with as much notice as possible as the ability to respond will depend on their workload.
However, schools can access a range of topics with interactive touchpoints and video, narration and activities already through their immersive room (History, Geography, Maths, English, Science, Music and RE)
Contact Hannah Clover: hannah.clover@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
Tuesdays & Fridays - dates by arrangement
Nottingham Central Library
EYFS – Y6, Free
Nottingham City Libraries now offer free themed class visit sessions suitable for primary aged children at the Central Library. These involve a variety of stories, crafts, and games in the futuristic immersive room as well as the chance to explore the children’s library and the extensive book stock.
Themes for 2025 are:
Lost Performers: Workshops for Schools, Y4-Y6
Circus Hub’s Lost Performers Club is a group for disabled and / or neurodivergent performers. They are creating a new show which is based around the social model of disability & reimagining our world to be fit for everybody.
They are looking for schools and pupils to be part of this reimagining, so that the next generation co-design this world. This will feed into the story, design and creation of the new circus show which will then be performed at free events throughout the city this summer.
The workshop is drama and design based, pupils will creatively explore the themes of disability, inclusion and society with pupils creating seeds for change to enable them to help reimagine and redesign the world together.
Email circushubnotts@gmail.com to book.
Dancing Digits for Schools: Workshops, live show, staff CPD and resources
EYFS and Key Stage 1, 4-8 years
Dates and times to be arranged with schools
Bring your Maths teaching to life through movement and music. Dancing Digits blends curriculum-based maths concepts with engaging physical activities, helping children build confidence, recall key number facts, and develop spatial thinking.
Recently researched with the Education Endowment Foundation, each session is carefully crafted to promote active learning through music, brightly coloured props, and a vibrant number line! These workshops are ideal for making maths enjoyable and reinforcing numeracy skills in a fun, inclusive environment.
There is also a bespoke Happy Maths programme for Foundation Stage pupils.
Bursaries available for individuals
Key Stage 1-5, up to 21 years
Did you know young people with talent and hobbies can apply for funding to pursue their interests out of school?
The Nottingham Education Trust is a locally managed trust which exists to support young people, under the age of 21 and permanently resident in the City of Nottingham, to pursue activities outside of formal education, particularly in Music & the Arts, the Sciences, Languages, Travel and Cultural Experiences, Sports and Outdoor and Adventurous pursuits, who would otherwise not have the opportunity.
Eligible young people can apply for bursaries up to £800 in total to fund their projects and the application process is straightforward.
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