ChalleNGe aims to inspire teachers, support opportunities for pupils and champion arts and cultural provision in schools by strengthening relationships and collaborations in Nottingham City.
Teachers and arts professionals are working together to create inspirational arts experiences that align with the school curriculum and meet the needs, aspirations and interests of young people. Celebrating the rich heritage and cultural diversity of Nottingham is an important element of our future work, ensuring young people grow up feeling connected to and valued by their city.
Cultural Rucksack Underlying Principles:
· Creativity: encouraging all young people to develop their creative talent.
· Citizenship: linking the Cultural Rucksack to ideas of active citizenship and participation.
· Place: pupils should learn about, identify with and a feel part of their own city.
· Equity: linking the offer to an entitlement for all, not just the more advantaged.
· Sustainability: strengthening partnerships that will move beyond projects and dependence on individual relationships, to develop high quality experiences that support and extend the curriculum.
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We invite all Nottingham Primary and Secondary City schools to become a Cultural Rucksack School.
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Our free online CultureMeets provide the perfect opportunity for teachers and arts providers from across the city to meet.
Watch past Culturemeet recordings.
Dates for 2024/2025
Primaries CultureMeets:
21st January 2025, 4-5pm online
24th April 2025, 4-5pm online
Book to come to one or all of the Primary sessions
Secondaries Culturemeets:
23rd January 2025, 4-5pm
24th June 2025, 4-5pm
Book to come to one or all of the Secondary sessions
"The principle that underpins the Cultural Rucksack is that everyone who goes to school in Nottingham is entitled to access and enjoy the cultural resources of their city. To turn this principle into a practical reality, we need teachers and arts professionals to work together - to make plans, to create new opportunities and connections, to help students learn about and engage with what’s available."
Professor Chris Hall, University of Nottingham
1. We are working towards embedding arts, creativity and cultural education within and across our curriculum.
2. We actively promote a broad range of creative experiences for all our pupils. This is part of our school ethos and is reflected in our vision and values statements.
3. Our curriculum reflects the rich diversity and cultural heritage of Nottingham.
4. We use our arts and cultural programme to strengthen connections to our local community.
5. We value the opportunity to work with a range of external arts and cultural providers and professionals across the City and will develop an in-depth engagement with at least one provider over a period of time.
6. We will engage with the arts and cultural support hubs across the City.
7. We have identified a staff member/team to take the lead on our arts and cultural curriculum and to be an ambassador(s) for culture and the arts throughout the school.
8. Staff have access to professional development opportunities to support arts and cultural teaching and provision.
9. We provide the opportunity for our pupils to reflect on their arts, culture and creativity experiences to influence future planning.
10. We actively share our commitment to arts and cultural education to our pupils and wider school community.
1. We have identified a clear ‘core’ offer, available to schools on a consistent basis, that allows teachers to plan in advance and integrate the offer into their curriculum.
2. We have identified a staff member/team who will lead our work and communication with schools.
3. We work collaboratively with other providers to share knowledge and highlight arts and cultural opportunities for Nottingham schools, including offers that complement our own.
4. We will explore and develop longer-term partnerships with schools to support progression in teaching for creativity and the arts and cultural curriculum.
5. We will work with schools to support professional development of staff in both the education and arts and cultural sectors.
6. Where appropriate we will highlight employment opportunities and pathways into the Creative Industries when working with pupils.
7. We are a member of the ChalleNGe Operations Group and will provide ChalleNGe with regular updates on our offers for schools.
8. We will ensure that our entry onto Nottingham’s Cultural Map is up to date.
9. We explore the opportunities available through the Artsmark Partnership Programme
Much of the work over the last few months has focused on highlighting good practice in our schools and developing a range of Art and Design Curriculum Ladders. The Ladders have been developed from a variety of sources and provide a number of options to enhance your own work in this field. Exemplar Curriculum Ladders will be available here soon. Work will also begin on developing and sharing Curriculum Ladders for Dance and Music.
In Primary CultureMeets we have had presentations from Researching Arts in Primary Schools, who are creating 40 case studies around arts and culture in schools, as well as inputs from both Mellers Primary and Brocklewood Primary. We will be adding a number of short articles to this website shortly covering what an Arts Rich school looks like, along with information on running educational visits.
Planning a cultural day visit outside the classroom
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